We gather here our whole knowledge about certificates and certification matters to help you solve issues and hopefully to answer most of your questions.
Main sections
Obtain a certificate / create a certificate request (CSR)
Install a certificate
Use a certificate
Manage a certificate
Manage your certificates with the TBS INTERNET API
Archives Report a certificate misuse to a certification authority Compromise certificate / private key
Archives Report a certificate misuse to a certification authority Compromise certificate / private key
Popular entries
TBS Certificates' team selection
What kind of certificate - For which purpose
Common questions before placing an order
Server certificates compatibility with browsers
Obtain a server certificate
RGS certificates
eIDAS European security standard
RGS: Which certificate for your e-government processes?
Why replace SSL RGS* with eIDAS QWAC?
Acquisition process for a RGS certificate
RGS certificates delivered on token
Technical questions
Generate a CSR with Microsoft IIS8.5 and Windows Serveur 2012R2
Generate a CSR with Apache
Generate a CSR with Exchange 2010/2013/2016
Install a certificate on IIS7
Install an Apache certificate
Install a certificate on Exchange 2010/2013/2016
Complex subjects
PSD2 certificates
Invoice signature
Digitization of purchase invoices (and of any other documents that needs to be stored)
E-invoicing and e-reporting : new regulation
Questions regarding the Certificate Center
The Approval Mode on your Certificate Center
2-factor authentication available on your Certificate Center
Token conversion?
Enable automatic renewal
The domain locking by DigiCert
The pre-validation
ACME offer by DigiCert
Authenticate with WebAuthn
If you did not find what you are looking for (did you try our search engine? The "Search" button on the top right hand corner of the page), contact us!
Tel: +44 330 684 0000
9h00-12h00 & 13h00-18h00 on business days
9h00-12h00 & 13h30-17h30 on Fridays
Last edited on 08/01/2024 15:32:41 --- [search]