Server certificates compatibility with browsers
Our certificates have a great recognition rate with browsers independently from the OS used.
Important: The recognition rate of each certificate varies according to the amount of work done by the certification authorities. By integrating their root into a maximum of browsers, they guarantee a better recognition rate of their products.
There are significant differences between certificates according to:
- their brand: each certification authority submits its own roots to the browsers of their choices
- their kind: wildcard certificates for example are poorly handled by older browsers
- hierarchy: SHA1, SHA2, ECC...
Additional Links
- Roots trusted by Windows 2000 to Windows 7/2008 R2
- Information on the Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate program
- Liste des roots accepted by the Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate program
- mac OS compatibility
- Certificates trusted by Mozilla software (NSS)
Chrome uses the certificate base. On linux, please refer to Mozilla's list (NSS).