Certigna RGS certificates delivered on token
You are about to order a RGS** certificate delivered on a cryptographic token. You'll find here a summary of the procedure regarding those products from the order to the delivery / initiation.
1/ The order
First of all, you need to place an order either from your Certificate Center or in the public area. The CSR is not required for this kind of certificate which is delivered along with its private key on the token.
2/ The audit procedure
Once the order is received, the audit team sends you by e-mail a form and an intervention form both in PDF format.
The form: it must be filled and sent back signed along with the required documents (the list of those is on the last page of the form).
The intervention form: this kind of product requires a face-to-face validation of its holder. It is done by an AED that will have to fill the intervention form. It must then be send back to us with the form and the documentation.
Please note that we need to get the original documents in paper format by postal mail.
3/ The supplier
Once the whole files are gathered they are sent to Certigna for process. Certigna sends the token that is usually received about 10 days after the files transfer. It is accompanied by a manual explaining what to do next. You'll find below a summary of it.
The following steps will have to be done by the certificate holder.
4/ The certificate acceptation
The RGS standard requires an acceptation of the certificate after its delivery. Without it the certificate could be revoke within 8 business days without refund possibility.
To do so, go on your certificate status page and click on the "accept the certificate" button. Read the certificate information and validate.
5/ The drivers
Before using your token, you'll have to install the drivers required for your operating system. From you status page, click on the "Token support & drivers" button and download the drivers. You'll get a PDF manual as well containing the full installation procedure.
6/ Temporary PIN code retrieval
To obtain the PIN code, from your certificate status page click on the "Get the token PIN code" button. A popup window opens. Answer the questions and validate. The PIN code will display on your screen. WARNING : take good note of that code. It won't be available long.
Once the temporary PIN code is obtained you can use your token. You will then have to define a new PIN code. During the PIN modification the "former holder code" refers to the code you got during the previous step.