TBS Internet provides a wide range of products adapted to different kinds of organization:
We developed several online services to ease your certifications processes: the TBS-certificates Centre to manage all your certificates, selection wizards to help you choose the product matching your needs or a 'Frequently Asked Questions' section to assist you during technical and administrative phases:
Digital certificates are an active part of online commerce development as a keystone in their business model. They are a guarantee of legitimacy for potential buyers.
EV certificate - Extended Validation
Better informed, webusers can recognize the visual elements -synonyms of authentication and security- displayed on the Internet pages they visit and trust. The security lock is one of them. EV certificates activate the green URL bar. They represent the higher authentication level currently available and are delivered after strict administrative procedures - through which we are able to guide you. SEE OUR EXTENDED VALIDATION CERTIFICATES OFFER |
Hosting companies have specific needs. They order a great amount of certificates for a large clientele that often chooses mutualized hosting solutions. With a wide knowledge of this business and the most complete range of products on the market, we can give them advices taking account of their particular technical constraints.
Multi-site certificate
TBS X509 multi-site SSL certificates are ideal for hosting companies for they can secure several websites each. It then allows to add SSL service on a mutualized server. SEE OUR MULTI-SITE CERTIFICATES OFFER |
With its complete range of products, TBS Internet can satisfy all IT Integrators needs and help them -through its unique certificate centre- to manage their digital ID documentation.
Developer certificate
Webusers increasingly download software online. With content signing certificates, developers can digitally sign their software. Webusers' browsers then allow (or not) the download according to its signature. It also prevents software from falsification and modification. SEE OUR DEVELOPER CERTIFICATES OFFER |
Entreprises have to secure their communications and guarantee the integrity of data to be transfered. As a matter of fact they need certificates to do so.
TBS Internet helps them deal with those needs according to their technical, budget or human resources obligations.
The last few years, relations between public services and citizens considerably evolved. Public organizations had to adapt and fulfill their citizens expectations and introduce e-government processes.
Through the years, TBS Internet built a complete and attractive range of products that is now our main asset to reply to call for tender. We can provide solutions fitting administrations constraints (such as technical ones, human resources, purchase processes...).
Client certificate
With our user certificates you can secure your emails (signature and cypherment), sign documents and prevent them from modification (PDFs, invoices...) and access a server with strong authentication. SEE OUR USER CERTIFICATES OFFER |
QWAC ssl certificate
The QWAC SSL certificate meets the European eIDAS qualified standard. SEE OUR eIDAS CERTIFICATE OFFER |