picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
Our products range

Certificate request with OpenSSL

To request a client certificate with OpenSSL, simply use the same command as for a server certificate, but with a different configuration file, which allows the entry of optional and mandatory fields corresponding to these products.

  • Generate the key with the following command:
    openssl genrsa 2048 > yourkey.key
  • If you want this key to be protected by a password (that will be requested any time you'll restart Apache), add:

    after "genrsa").

Make a backup copy of the .key file!

  • Protect your file with:
    chmod 400 yourkey.key
  • Use this command to generate the CSR and indicate the CNF that you will have previously downloaded below:
    openssl req -new -key yourkey.key -config CNF_FILE_BELOW > yourkey.csr

Configuration files

Download the OpenSSL configuration file (right click, save as) suitable for the client certificate you want to generate:

For DigiCert Email Novice, Sectigo S/MIME MV and TBS X509 S/MIME MV certificates:

For Sectigo S/MIME OV and TBS X509 S/MIME OV certificates:

For DigiCert Authentication certificate:

For DigiCert Email Encryption, Signature and Premium certificates:

Generate a CSR

To easily and quickly generate a CSR with OpenSSL 0.9.7 or higher, see these tips:

Server certificate:

openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout newkey.key -subj '/ COMPANY/OU=IT Department' -out mycsr.csr
Client certificate (with our configuration files):
openssl req -config openssl-dem-client-cert.cnf -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mysuperkey.key -subj '/CN=LAST NAME first name/ COMPANY/L=Caen/ST=Calvados/C=FR' -out mysupercsr.csr

Useful links