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Create an invoice with tax value with Adobe Acrobat DC

You can use Adobe Acrobat DC (the free version of the software) to create electronic invoices.

Note: An electronic invoice (The 'tax value' notion relates to French standards) must be signed and time stamped with eIDAS qualified / RGS** certificates. See:Invoice signature.

Who's concerned?

The signature is handled manually therefore this procedure cannot apply to a large amount of invoices.

The procedure

Time stamping configuration

The fist thing to do is configure the time stamping server in the software.

To do so, follow the procedure here: How to configure a time stamping server in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC?

The signature

  • Connect your token to your computer
  • Open the document you need to sign
  • Select "Tools" > "Certificates":
  • The "Certificates" tool bar is now displayed:
  • Click on "Digitally sign" and draw the area you want your signature to appear in
  • Select the certificate to use and click on "continue":
  • Configure your signature appearance (optional)
  • Click on "Sign"
  • A dialog box opens and ask you to define a name for the new file (in order not to overwrite your document). Enter the name.
  • Give your token PIN code and click on "OK" to launch the signature
  • You can check your signature by clicking on "Validate all signatures"

The time stamping

  • In the "Certificates" tool bar click on "Time stamp"
  • A dialog box opens and ask you to define a name for the new file (in order not to overwrite your document). Enter the name.
  • You can check your signature by clicking on "Validate all signatures"

Your invoice is now signed and time stamped. It has a tax value.

Useful links