Google Chrome: The identity of this website has been verified by xxx but does not have public audits records.
With Google Chrome web browser, in the yellow triangle on https ("display website information"), you can get that kind of message:
The identity of this website has been verified by TBS X509 CA business but does not have public audits records.
This message indicates your certificate's audit level.
One of the main purpose of a SSL certificate is to identify the owner of a SSL certificate via an audit which can be more or less extensive according to the kind of product (1-, 2-,
3-, 6-factor: what difference?).
EV (Extended validation) certificates, make appear in a green url bar of your browser the identity of the certificate's owner. So you won't see this message.
Indeed the audit process for this kind of product is very extensive.
Since January 2015:
Useful links
- All our online documentation to help you install a SSL certificate on your server
- SHA1: Depreciation of SHA1 algorithm scheduled for 2015, 2016, 2017?
- Extended Validation SSL certificates comparison
- Audit process: All you need to know