20120614 - Symantec - Thawte - Geotrust : End of 5 years valid products
As of June 14th 2012 Symantec, Thawte and Geotrust certificates won't be available in 5 years valid versions anymore.Only a few products are concerned:
- Thawte Standard
- Geotrust True Business ID
- Geotrust True Business ID Wildcard
- Symantec Secure Site
- Symantec Secure Site Pro
It is one of the consequences of the new standards (see the Baseline Requirements) created in November 2011 by the CA/B forum.
It is only an intermediary step. Indeed in 2015 certification authorities will have to stop issuing certificates more than 39 months valid.
Last edited on 06/20/2012 07:28:24 --- [search]