SANs management with Sectigo and TBS
It is possible to add, modify or delete SANs during some certificates lifetime.
For Sectigo and TBS, the maximum number of SANs a certificate can include is 1000.
Which products are concerned?
All the multiple sites certificates from Sectigo CA / Sectigo, TBS X509 and PositiveSSL.
How to edit the SANs list of those certificates?
It requires a reissuance of the certificate. You'll have to edit the SANs list of the certificate via the reissuance form. See How can I add SANs to an existing certificate?
What is free and what is billed?
The reissuance is free, only the missing SANs are billed.
How is calculated the number of SANs to bill?
The number of SANs is computed from all the valid certificates of an order.
Example of the order xxx containing a certificate with 3 SANs:
Certificates of the order xxx | List of SANs |
Certificate 1 | A B C |
Now let's replace SAN "C" by "D" via reissuance. The order will contain then:
Certificates of the order xxx | List of SANs |
Certificate 1 | A B C |
Certificate 2 | A B D |
After reissuance the SANs "A", "B", "C" and "D" are secured by the 2 valid certificates of the order. In this case we'll bill one SAN.
Another example of an order xxx containing a certificate with 3 SANs:
Certificates of the order xxx | List of SANs |
Certificate 1 | A B C |
A first reissuance allows to delete SAN "C". The order will then contain:
Certificates of the order xxx | List of SANs |
Certificate 1 | A B C |
Certificate 2 | A B |
After reissaunce the SANs "A", "B" and "C" are secured by the 2 valid certificates of the order.
Then let's revoke the certificate 1 which is not used anymore. There will be one valid certificate left only securing SANs "A" and "B".
Finally, let's add SAN "D" via reissuance. The order will then contain:
Certificates of the order xxx | List of SANs |
Certificate 1 (not valid) | A B C |
Certificate 2 | A B |
Certificate 3 | A B D |
At that moment only SANs "A", "B" and "D" are secured by the 2 valid certificates of the order. No SAN will be billed.