picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Install a certificate on Pfsense

Install the authority certificates

First, you need to import the root and intermediates certificates in pfsense. Go to System - Cert Manager then in the CAs tab. Click the + icon at the bottom right of the list.

Choose Import an existing Certificate Authority in the Method drop-down list. Paste the certificate in Certificate Data and click Save.

These steps must be repeted for the root certificate and every intermediate certificate.

Install a certificate

Go to System - Cert Manager then click the Certificates tab. If you generated your CSR in pfsense, a corresponding line should be available in the list. Click the edit icon. Paste your certificate in the box and click Save.

Import a certificate with key

Go to System - Cert Manager then to the Certificates tab. Click the + icon at the bottom right of the list.

Select Import an existing Certificate. Paste the unencrypted private key and the certificate, then click Save.

If you have used Keybot to generate your private key. You will need to decrypt it first. You can either use openssl, or our online tool.

Enable the certificate

You will then need to select the certificate to enable in the service configuration before using the certificate.

See also