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20120614 - OVH won't issue SSL anymore

OVH released the news yesterday, the hosting company won't sale nor renew SSL certificates anymore (only the reissuance can still be done until September 28th 2012). A few months ago OVH decided to provide certificates renewal only. It was a step toward a total abandonment of its SSL activity.

Then, how to keep transiting data secured?

Two scenarii:

1- With a dedicated hosting

In that case, you'll only have to order a certificate from a certification authority and install it.

TBS INTERNET offers a wide range a SSL products to meet any kinds of needs. OVH customers whom certificates are about to expire can also use a discount code, especially created for them, and get a 15% discount on all of our 3-factors (and higher) certificates!


2- With a mutualized hosting

Technically, it is not possible to install more than one SSL certificate on one server. OVH customers that are hosted on a mutualized machine will then be impacted.

In a nutshell, those customers, willing to keep their SSL security active, will have to migrate to a dedicated hosting offer.

There are solutions for low-budgets, see for example:

Once it is done, you'll only have to request a certificate from any certification authority and install it.

TBS INTERNET offers a wide range a SSL products to meet any kinds of needs. OVH customers whom certificates are about to expire can also use a discount code, especially created for them, and get a 15% discount on all of our 3-factors (and higher) certificates!


Do not fall for Domain-Validated

It is important not to be confused between low-cost and domain-validated certificates. You can purchase one or the other for a reasonable price but when the domain validated certificate does not guarantee its owner ID, a low-cost 3-factor certificate provides a real authentication.

See: Why are Domain-Validated certificates dangerous?

How to differentiate the offers? Domain validated certificates are delivered in a matter of minutes for there is no vetting whatsoever. A 2-days period at least is needed to get a 3-factor certificate. Indeed they are only delivered after an audit of the organization.