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Certigna ID RGS** - Token installation on Mac

To use your ID RGS** certificate you'll have to install the token's drivers and edit the PIN code.

This documentation is only provided for information. All support for ID RGS certificates on tokens is done by Certigna.
Contact Certigna support team

Technical requirements / This product is compatible with:
Windows: 10 and 11
MAC OSX: 11 (Big Sur) and 12 (Monterey).

Driver installation

First, download one of the drivers available on your certificate status page.

Un-zip the file and double-click on it. Let the default options, then reboot your system.

Note: if you use TSE / RDP remote control software, you must also install the driver on the server side.

Modification of the PIN code

Once the driver is installed, the tool is launched in the menu bar in the right top: Ypsld tool.

  • Right-click on the Ypsld icon
  • Click on "Edit PIN"
  • Select "PIN User"
  • Click on "Next"
  • In "Former holder code" enter the former PIN code
  • In "New holder code" and "Confirm new code", enter your new PIN code
  • Click on "OK"
  • A message confirms the success of your PIN code modification


  • The PIN code must have the same format than the one supplied by Dhimyotis.
  • If you enter 3 wrong PIN code in a row, the token is blocked. You'll then have to contact Dhimyotis to get the unblocking request form that will have to be sent by mail along with the blocked token.

Unblocking a token

If you enter 3 wrong PIN code in a row, the token is blocked.

The holder have then to send by mail the unblocking request form filled, dated and signed along with the token, a copy of their ID card and a 60€ check payable to Dhimyotis (see the unblocking form).

The token will be sent back by mail. The holder will have to contact TBS in order to reinitialize his set of questions / answers. Once it is done the holder can retrieve the temporary PIN and then create a customized one.

Unblocking form

Fill the unblocking form

In the "Informations sur le certificat" section:

  • Autorité: on your certificate status page click on the "Details" button of the "Certificate" section and copy/paste the "Signer" information.
  • Prénom Nom: first name and last name of the certificate holder
  • N° de série: on your certificate status page click on the "Details" button of the "Certificate" section and copy/paste the "Serial number".


  • Cannot found YpsId: Make sure you have installed the driver on your machine and that the system has been rebooted after the installation.

  • The diode blinks: Make sure the driver has been correctly installed. When inserting the token for the first time, it can take several minutes for it to be detected.

  • No card reader: Make sure the token is correctly connected on an USB port and that the diode does not blink.

  • Error message "Cannot edit PIN": Make sure the new PIN has the same format than the former one
If after install and reboot, the token isn't recognized, try installing this driver.

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