picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Install a certificate on Plesk 11

You received your certificate by email with one or several intermediate certificates and a root certificate. Keep this email within reach.

1- Retrieve your certificate(s) on your server

In the delivery email you'll find several links. Click on them:

1) Prepare the PEM importation

  • The private key
    Retrieve your xxx.pkey (or xxx.key) private key file.
    This private key file has been created along with the CSR. In case of an automatic reissuance / renewal the original file can be reused.
    If this file has been created by our tool Keybot, it has been password-protected (the content of this file begins with "---BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY---"). The file has to be decipher first using your browser here.
    You can give an explicit name to this new file such as "".

  • Your certificate
    On your certificate status page (you'll find it in your delivery e-mails):
    click the "See the certificate"
    and download your certificate in x509 format using the link"cert-xxx-xxx.cer".
    You can give a new name to this file and provide a new extension such as "".

  • The certification chain
    On your certificate status page (you'll find it in your delivery e-mails):
    click the"See the certificate" button and the "See the certification chain" one
    and download the file using the link"chain-xxx-xxx.txt".
    You can give a new name to this file and provide a new extension such as "".

  • The certificate and the certification chain (PEM format)
    On your certificate status page (you'll find it in your delivery e-mails):
    click the"See the certificate" button and the"See the certificate and the certification chain in X509 format"
    and download the file using the link"pem-xxx-xxx.pem".
    You can give this file a new name such as "".

    N.B.: In case of a full PEM format (including the private key) you'll only have to copy / paste your deciphered private key at the top of your PEM file via a text editor (see above).
    (---Begin Private key---- ... ----End Private Key----).

Keep those 2 pages open to copy / paste the certificates.

2- Set up Plesk

Login to the Plesk Control Panel as an administrator.

To manage your certificates on PLESK go to:
Tools & Utilities > SSL Certificates (in the Resources group).

Click on the name of the certificate to install.

Scroll down and paste the certificate (Certificate) and its certification chain (CA certificate) in the appropriate fields.

Click on "Send"

The certificate and the certification chain are now installed.

Make sure SSL is enabled on your Plesk

In the left menu click on "Domains" and then on "Websites & Domains". Click on the name of the site to secure and make sure the case "Enable SSL support" is ticked.

Check your certificate installation with Co-Pibot

On your certificate status page (on your Certificates center) you'll see a 'Check your certificate' button. Click it to test your certificate installation.

Known issues

The CA certificate does not sign the certificate.

It is possible that when importing the certification chain a message says that the certificate isn't sign by the certificate chain. It is a bug impacting versions 11 and 12 of Plesk for Linux. This message can be ignored. More informations are available on Plesk's knowledge base..

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