picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Import TBS X509 / Sectigo certificates in Foxit PhantomPDF and Foxit Reader

This page concerns the certificates issued by Sectigo / TBS X509. Foxit software relies on the certificate store of the operating system where they are installed.


To add the roots of the certificates we use for signing PDF, download the file below:

For certificates issued on TBS X509 CA persona 3:

For certificates issued on TBS X509 CA persona 2:

For the certificates issued on Sectigo RSA Client Authentication and Secure Email CA (TBS X509 E-mail Novice, Sectigo E-mail Personal Basic, Sectigo E-mail Personal Organization, Sectigo S/MIME Mailbox-Validated and Sectigo S/MIME Organization-Validated):

For the certificates issued on TBS Internet RSA Secure Email CA 4 ( TBS X509 S/MIME Mailbox-Validated and TBS X509 S/MIME Organization-Validated):

procedure to follow

In your software, click on "Protect" and "Trusted Certificates". Click next on "Add" to add the previously downloaded certificate.
To approve certificates as a trusted root, click on"Edit" and check the boxes "Use this certificate as trusted root" and "Validate certified documents". Finally click on "Ok" and "Close"

From now on the PDFs signed by our certificates will be recognized in your software.

Useful links