20180427 - Chrome 68 and HTTPs
In July 2018 the version 68 of Chrome will be released and with it Google's security requirements for its browser will be increased.
It is a new step in a project engaged in 2016 and aiming to protect web users and their data.
What's new?
From this summer, all websites presented in HTTP will be considered as not secured by Chrome whether they collect data or not.
The finality is to make of HTTPs the new standard: not only websites presented in HTTPs are considered as secured but HTTP ones are not anymore.
What will users see?
Everything will be displayed in the url bar that will tell web users that the website, if not presented in HTTPS, is 'not secure'.
Get a certificate
Install a SSL certificates on your web tools and guarantee secure transfers of information via HTTPS.
There are lots of certificates meeting any needs and any budget. From simple standard certificates for showcase web sites to Extended Validation certificates (triggering the green URL bar) for e-commerce web sites, there is a solution for you.
TBS INTERNET also proposes free certificates (without ID validation) and valid 3 months (renewable).