20230330 - End of KeyBot for Certigna Certificates
As of April 1st, 2023 our tool to generate CSR / private keys KeyBot won't be displayed on the Certigna Certificates' order form anymore.
This decision has been made by Certigna. The authority requested that we do not propose the tool for the generation of keys used for their products anymore.
What will be the consequences?
Pending orders
There will be no issue regarding orders delivered before the deadline. Yet, the certificates will have to be retrieved quickly and the pfx generated before KeyBot outage.
The orders that will ne be delivered on April 1st, 2023, a new CSR will be requested.
Delivered certificates
You won't be able to generate your pfx from your status page anymore. You'll have to create the file manually with the help of our tool to decipher private keys or request a reissuance of your certificate based on a new private key.
Which products are impacted?
Any product requiring a CSR (server, server client, stamp) are impacted.