picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Generate a CSR with cPanel 11.54-56

It must first be noted that you need to have been authorized in WHM to manage SSL hosts. This is generally the cast if you have access to cPanel through a hosting plan.

Private key and CSR generation

  • To generate a CSR with cPanel, connect to you cPanel home, select Security - SSL/TLS. You will reach the SSL Manager.
    cPanel home
  • Click on Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests..
    SSL Manager
  • In the private key options, select a 2048 bits or more key size. It is also the recommended size. If you cannot select a sufficient key size, you will need to go back to the SSL Manager, and manually generate a key from the Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys link.
  • Then, fill in your CSR information:
    • Domains: Enter your main domain. For multiple domains, our website's form will define your future certificate. However, we recommend entering the full domain list here for management purposes.
    • City: Enter your organization headquarters' city.
    • State: Enter your state/province/département.
    • Country: Enter your ISO 3166 two letter country code, i.e. FR for france, GB for the United Kingdom. It is preferable to use uppercase characters.
    • Company Name : Enter here your organization legal name (not its commercial name or acronym), preferably in uppercase.
    • Company Division: If not needed, we recommend leaving this field empty, or enter a generic value such as "IT Services".
    • Email: This field will not be used.
    CSR Form 01

    CSR Form 02
  • Leave the passphrase field empty. This field will not be used and is not handled. We recommend using the email sending feature only if you can assure the security of the transport.
  • Once all the information has been entered and checked, you can click Generate.
  • A summary screen will display you CSR along with its main information.
    CSR summary

CSR and key management

You can find your keys and CSR via the SSL Manager, in the SSL/TLS section. You files are stored in the following directories:

  • CSR : /var/cpanel/ssl/system/csrs
  • Certificats : /var/cpanel/ssl/system/certs
  • Clés privées : /var/cpanel/ssl/system/keys

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