Renewing a certificate with Plesk
To renew a certificate with Plesk, one needs to distinguish the cases of a certificate installed under a private or a shared IP.
To renew a certificate with a shared IP, log on to the server manager as administrator, certificates icon.
Then use the function 'add a certificate' to create a new certificate request that you'll name after the year (for example: mysite2013) in order to keep track of all your certs. When filling the CSR fields, make sure you are providing the same information than for the existing certificate (the content of those fields are reminded of our renewal form).
Place your certificate request on our form with the new CSR.
Once the new certificate is issued, log onto Server/Certificates as administrator and add the certificate and its certification chain if needed.
Finally, go to Server in the IPs Aliases and indicate the new certificate as the certificate by default (mysite2013).