picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Generate a CSR for F5

To generate a CSR on an F5 BIG-IP system:

  • Log into the configuration utility.

  • Go to the pageSSL Certificate List that can be found :
    • On BIG-IP 13.X : System > Certificate Management > Traffic Certificate Management > SSL Certificate List
    • On BIG-IP 12.X : System > File Management > SSL Certificate List

  • Select Create

  • Type a unique name for the certificate, example: mysite-201x

  • In the Issuer box, select Certificate Authority

  • Fill in the different fields. Choose a minimum key length of 2048 bits and leave the Email Address, Challenge Password and Optional Company name fields blank.

  • After clicking on "Finished", the CSR will be available in the "Request Text" field

You just have to copy / paste this CSR into our certificate order form.

Warning : OS versions lower than 4.1 cannot generate a 2048-bit CSR. It is therefore necessary to upgrade the OS as recommended by F5. See official documentation

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