Thawte Domain Release Letter (version n-1)
======================================================================= On owner's letterhead paper or blank paper To: Thawte Fax to: +33-1-7372-4584 Purpose: Domain Authorization Letter References: __________ Dear Thawte, I confirm and warrant that: Organization enrolling for the Certificate is: __________ Domain to be included in the certificate is: __________ Registrant of the Domain is: __________ I am the registrant (and/or employed by the Registrant) and am duly authorized to sign this Domain Release Letter and to deal with all matters related to the registration of the Domain. Thawte recently received a request from Certificate Applicant to issue one or more Digital Certificate(s) under Certificate Applicant's name. Certificate Applicant desires to install the Digital Certificate on its web server(s) for the domain and ultimately to enable secure communications with its users. Registrant acknowledges that it has granted Certificate Applicant the right to use the Domain as a common name in the Digital Certificate request referenced above and to otherwise use the Domain in connection with its business. Registrant agrees that Thawte may continue to renew the Applicant's certificate on or before expiration without further confirmation from Registrant. Registrant further agrees to request Thawte to revoke the Applicant's certificate(s) in the event the Applicant is no longer entitled to use the Domain or domain ownership is transferred to a third party who is not the Applicant. Registrant agrees to indemnify Thawte and its directors, officers, agents, employees, contractors, parents, affiliates, or subsidiaries (collectively, the 'Indemnified Parties') and hold the Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any losses, costs, damages, and fees (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any breach by Registrant of any representation or obligation under this letter or any domain name registration agreement between Registrant and the Registry governing the Domain name registration. Full Name : __________________________ Job Title : __________________________ Date: __________________________ Signature: __________________________[Please note: This can not be signed by the Organizational contact on the order and will not be accepted if signed by the Organizational Contact. This letter must be signed by the Domain Registrant or an employee of the Registrant.]
Last edited on 12/05/2011 15:09:25 --- [search]