Generate a CSR with Microsoft IIS7 / IIS8 and Windows Server 2012 / 2013
Common case
Open your IIS manager. Click on the server name in the left panel and double-click the "Server Certificates" button in the "IIS" section.
From the "Actions" panel, click on "Create Certificate Request".
- Then, In the "Distinguished Name Properties" window, enter the information requested (without those characters: ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ ? > < & / \:) and click Next.
- In the "Cryptographic Service Provider Properties" window, leave both settings at their defaults (Microsoft RSA SChannel and 2048_bit) and then click Next.
- Enter a filename for your CSR file and the location to which you want to save it. Click Finish.

Open the file you generated and copy/paste its content in our order form, see Access an order form .
DO NOT reconfigure the SSL or create a new certificate request during the time between the CSR generation and the installation of the resulting certificate. If you do so, the software might loose your request and refuse the certificate installation.
Additional information
N.B.: Using a certificate using a reserved IP or a local name (xxx.local, machine_name) is desapproved by the CA / Browsers Forum and will soon cease to be accepted by certification authorities (more information).
FTP SSL server
A FTP server, that can not handle SSL, is delivered along with IIS7. The certificate request process is the same than for a IIS7 web server. Once the certificate delivered go on the "FTP service" of your server and modify the "binding" options to select the certificate.
See also: FTP over SSL