Thawte revocation form
INSTRUCTIONS: Please: 0) Print on a company letterhead 1) Fill in all blank fields 2) Indicate the reason for revocation 3) Have the Corporate or Technical Contact sign letter 4) Fax letter back to Thawte at: +33-1-7372-4584 and +27 21 937 8965. (A fax copy is acceptable for processing) Within 24 hours of receipt of an acceptable fax, your former Digital Certificate will be revoked.
REVOCATION LETTER Thawte, Inc. Customer Support Fax: +27 21 937 8965 Date: ___________ Customer must please complete the following information: Order number: ________________ Organization Name: ______________ Domain Name (E.g., ______________ Dear Thawte, I confirm that the Organization has applied for a digital certificate from Thawte as specified above. I request that you revoke the above digital certificate. The reason for revocation is (please check applicable box below): [ ] No longer need cert [ ] Upgrade key encryption strength [ ] Other (Please Specify): _________________ I confirm that I am duly authorized to sign the Revocation Letter on behalf of the Organization. Regards, Full Name: ___________________________________________________ Job Title: ___________________________________________________ Organization: ___________________________________________________ Organization telephone number: ___________________________________ Signature: ________________________________
Last edited on 12/12/2011 08:20:52 --- [search]