All about EV (Extended Validation)
EV (standing for Extended Validation) is a certificates family bound to reinforce server certificates authentication (anti-phishing). It is the highest certification level currently available. It provides:
- A standardization and an enhancement of the vetting processes
- The URL bar: it appears green and displays the name of the certified organization
- This specific identification allows webusers to know they are browsing a trusted site
These certificates are going to enlighten the weaknesses of other kind of certificates known as Domain-Validated (seeWhy are Domain-Validated certificates dangerous?) and help to take them off the market.
- EV certificates can only be supplied to companies (with a RCS number) and to public entities having a SIREN number and existing since 3 years at least
- The corporate contact must be one of the organization director and his name must appear on the Kbis
- The domain name must be owned by the organization exact corporate name (the domain authorization letter cannot be used)
- The organization must be listed on the universal directory (to be more precise, the organization in which works the corporate contact must be listed in the directory)
- The CSR must contain the exact corporate name of the organization in its O field , and the fields C (country), L (location) and ST (state) must be the exact reflect of the organization's headquarters location as registered
- The organization must be correctly indexed by DUNS and Bradstreet.
Obtain a Kbis
MonIdenum can provide a Kbis within minutes for free. Do not hesitate to use their services.