Signature / encryption with Mail Mac OS 10.3+
Once your certificate installed in your Mac Keychain, Mail will automatically use the certificate matching the e-mail address of the account to sign emails (therefore you'll have to restart your Mail.App). You can ckeck the success of the importation by going in the 'my certificates' section of your Keychain.In your compose window of a new message, you will see a small black star icon with a check mark in it appear on the right of the compose window. Make sure it is checked. If it does not appear, it means that the installation has failed, or that Mail does not recognize your email address in the certificate.
In that case, check the uppercases and lowercases of your email address in your account preferences. The address must be a perfect match.
The little black star icon is actually a button, and you can click it to occasionally not sign a message. Also next to it, there is a padlock button that encrypts the message.
Run a test
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Last edited on 07/20/2020 08:20:02 --- [search]