picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Use a SSL java client

To use our TBS X509 certificates with a Java version anterior to 1.5.0_07 as SSL client, you'll have to update the cacerts file delivered with your SUN's JDK or JRE (it does not apply to Microsoft virtual machine).

2 options: just add our certificates to the base supplied by default or replace the default base by our own that only contains certificates in which we trust.

The cacerts file is stored in your Java arborescence: /usr/java/xxx/lib/security/cacerts for example:
To add a root to the cacerts base, use keytool. Example of a certificate importation:
keytool -import -keystore cacerts -alias TBSX509CAbusiness -file TBSX509CAbusiness.pem 
The Java base password is: changeit

To use our certification authorities' file, anf if you have installed our file, you'll find in /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ a file named cacerts. It is the Java's certificates base.

If you do not have this file yet, see Use a SSL linux / openssl clientTo install it, copy the file in /usr/java/xxx/lib/security/cacerts

The password of our base is: tbstrusted