Generate a CSR with Microsoft IIS4
If you are generating a CSR for a renewal, do not use the renewal function of the key manager. See Renew with Microsoft IIS 4 .Open the IIS key manager. Select WWW and Key/Create New Key...
A wizard opens. Select "Put the request in a file" and name the file to be created.
Define a password. Note it! You will need this password during the installation and later for the renewal. Select a key length, 2048 at least.
Then deploy the wizard. Enter, without using accent or the following characters: ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ ? > < & / \:
- The organization name and the department (follow our instructions, see Obtain a server certificate) and the common name: the website name as it will be seen by webusers
- The country, city and state
Finish the wizard.
Save the request in Computers/Commit changes now.
Make a backup copy with Keys/Export Key.../Backup File.
Save the backup file outside the server with the key password.
Open the generated file and copy/paste its content in the request form, see Access an order form
Last edited on 04/24/2012 07:57:36 --- [search]