Install a Microsoft IIS4 certificate
Warning : since March 2020, the TLS1.2 protocol is mandatory on web servers. Microsoft IIS4 is not compatible with this protocol. More information : TLS1.2 mandatory since March 2020
You received your certificate by email. Keep it within reach.1- Retrieve your certificate on your server
Download the certificate file (.cer) indicated in the delivery mail and save it on your desktop.If you do not have this link, copy/paste the certificate (on the bottom of the delivery email) in a text file on your server.
2- Import the certificate
- Go to the Keys Manager
- Install your new IIS SSL certificate by clicking the key in the www file (usually a crossed over broken key) and select Install Key Certificate.
- select the file holding the certificate (that you retieved via the delivery email link)
- Enter the password you created during this entry creation
- Add the IP address and the port number. Any assigned is accepted if you do not have any other SSL certificate on your web server.
- Nota: to install several certificate on a ame web server, you'll need one IP address for each certificate (see Can I install several SSL servers on a same machine?).
- Go to the Computers manu and select Commit Changesor close the Keys Manager and answer Yes to save changes.
- The new IIS SSL server certificate is nox installed.
3- Install intermediate certificates
If intermediate certificates have to be installed, it will be indicated in the delivery email. To do so:- Download the intermediate certificate on your desktop.
- For each file:
- double-click the file to launch the wizard
- Select Place all certificates in the following store and click browse.
- Select Show physical stores.
- Then select Intermediate Certification Authorities
- Select Local Computer and click OK.
- back in the wizard, click Next then Finish.
4- Reboot the server
Reboot the machine for the installation to be taken into account.5- Run a test
Check the access of your website's secured pages with IE 6 and Firefox.ADVICE AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM TBS INTERNET
For security matters, it is advised to:
- disable SSLv2 and SSLv3. See Microsoft documentation:
Last edited on 06/10/2020 15:11:14 --- [search]