Install a code signing certificate (component signature)
Here you will find the documentation for installing code signing certificates. There are several ways to install a code signing certificate. It depends on how the private key was generated when ordering:
- Private key generated via our KEYBOT tool : you can generate a certificate in PFX format ("Generate PFX / PEM" button from the status page of your certificate). You can find more information here : Generate a certificate with Keybot.
GlobalSign EV code signing Certificate on cryptographic token
- The drivers to install the token on the computer are available on this link : Safenet drivers
- Link to installation instructions
Code signing certificate in PFX format
- Microsoft Authenticode certificate: Import a certificate (PFX format) on Internet Explorer
Private key generated by the browser
- Install a Netscape Code Signing certificate
- Install a Microsoft Authenticode or VB (multiple-plateform) certificate
- Install an Oracle Java certificate
- Install an Adobe Air certificate
Conversion / exportation
- Convert a #PKCS12 (PFX) to a JKS (from Apache/Microsoft to Tomcat)
- Convert a JKS to a #PKCS12 (from Tomcat to Apache/Microsoft)
- Convert a #PKCS12 (PFX) to a PEM (from Mircosoft, Firewall, ... to Apache)
- Create a #PKCS12 (or PFX) from OpenSSL files (PEM : .cer, .p7b, .key)
Useful links
Last edited on 11/17/2022 10:16:30 --- [search]