picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Install a certificate on Pulse Secure

The CSR was generated in Pulse Secure

Pulse Secure supports the PKCS7 format (.p7b) and the DER format (.der). You can retrieve your certificate in the desired format from the status page of your certificate. Click on the button "View certificate" then "View certificate in PKCS7 format" and click on the link next to the floppy disk.

  • Go in "Configuration > Certificates > Device Certificates"

  • Click on "Pending CSR" at the end of the page

  • At the bottom of the new window, in the "Import signed Certificate" section, click on "Browse"

  • image contenu CSR en attente

  • Select your previously downloaded certificate in PXCS7 or DER format

CSR was not generated in Pulse Secure

  • From the status page of your certificate, click the "View certificate" button.

  • In the new window, choose the desired extension format (PKCS7 for example) and download the certificate

  • In the software, go to "Configuration> Certificates> Device Certificates" and click on "Import Certificate & Key"

  • In the second part :
    • Field A: fill in the previously downloaded certificate
    • Field B: enter your private key
    • Field C: enter the password (if necessary)

  • image importation certificat

  • Click on "Import"

Useful links

Official documentation :