picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Import a client certificate (pfx format) on Safari

If your CSR was generated via our KeyBot tool, you can generate a PFX file from the status page of your certificate, button Generate PFX / PEM. You can find more information here: Generate a client certificate in PFX format

Installation of the certificate

After generating your certificate in PFX format:

  • Double click on your .pfx file

  • Enter the certificate protection password (which was defined when generating the pfx file) and click "OK"

  • Your certificate is now installed

Check the installation of your certificate

To verify that the installation went well, follow the procedure:

  • From Spotlight search for "Keychain"

  • Click on "Keychain access"

  • In the new window, click on "Session" then on "My certificates"

  • Your certificate is displayed and the message "This certificate is valid" appears in green.