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picture of tbs certificates
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Configure listeners on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

After having defined the load balancer and selected the certificate that you previously installed you will be on the Select Cipher page:

On the Select a Cipher page, you should have the default settings enabled:
Predefined Security Policy: ELBSecurity-Policy-2014-01

In the security policy drop-down list, select a policy.

Click Continue to configure back-end server authentication if needed.

How to cofigure listeners using the command line

Select the security policies amongst the available one. You can use the following command to check the available Security Policies:

PROMPT> elb-describe-lb-policies --headers

The output will be something similar to:

POLICY 		ELBSecurityPolicy-2014-01 		SSLNegotiationPolicyTypeE
POLICY 		ELBSecurityPolicy-2011-081 		SSLNegotiationPolicyTypeE
POLICY 		ELBSample-ELBDefaultCipherPolicy 	SSLNegotiationPolicyTypeE
POLICY 		ELBSample-OpenSSLDefaultCipherPolicy 	SSLNegotiationPolicyTypeE

The ELBSecurityPolicy-2014-01 policy uses server Order Preference to negotiate SSL connections and is the default policy enabled in AWS.

The elb-create-lb-policy command is used to create a SSL negotiation according to the recommended security policy ELBSecurityPolicy-2014-01.

The command you will run will look like this and include all the policy information:

PROMPT> elb-create-lb-policy MyLoadBalancer --policy-name MySSLNegotiationPolicy --policy-type SSLNegotiationPolicyType --attribute "name=Reference-Security-Policy,value=ELBSecurityPolicy-2014-01"

Configurer les ports d'écoute en utilisant l'API Query

You already got the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your SSL server certificate.

Configure listener:

Call CreateLoadBalancer with the following parameters:

  • AvailabilityZones = us-east-1a
  • Listener
    • Protocol = HTTP
    • InstanceProtocol = HTTP
    • InstancePort = 80
    • LoadBalancerPort = 80
  • Listener
    • Protocol = HTTPS
    • InstanceProtocol = HTTPS
    • InstancePort = 443
    • LoadBalancerPort = 443
    • SSLCertificateID = arn:aws:iam::55555555555:server-certificate/production/myCert
  • LoadBalancerName = MyLoadBalancer

The operation returns the DNS name of your load balancer. Copy the DNS name in a safe place. You'll be using the DNS name to connect to the load balancer.

Useful links