picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Install an Oracle Java certificate

To install your Oracle Java certificate in your keystore:
  1. Go on your certificate status page (a link is provided in the delivery e-mail)
  2. Click on the "Download the certificate" button and save the file in binary PKCS7 format (p7-0000000000-0000.p7b) on your server.
  3. Log on the machine and in the same directory from which you created the certificate request
  4. Import the certificate:
  5. keytool -import -alias [alias-name] -file [p7-0000000000-0000.p7b] -keystore [storagename]
    You must use the same alias name and the same keystore name you provided in your certificate request.
    A "-trustcacerts" parameter exist and is sometimes recommended for the import. It is important to note that adding it will add the root certificate to the keystore. This can cause issues with certification chains.
Your certificate is now installed, to use it consult: Use an Oracle Java certificate.

Common errors

Useful command

See and check the content of the keystore:

keytool -list -v -keystore  your_keystore_filename > Keystore_content1.txt

Useful links

External documentation